Stakeholder Alignment including IPD++ with the Neighborhood Model


Aligning your management, your clients and your employees is critical. Benefits from alignment of your vision are vast.  These include employee morale and faith in you, client loyalty, more productive workforce, lower costs, greater margins and meeting client expectations.  Integrated Project Delivery (IPD++) or Neighborhood contracting models can be leveraged with the facilitation of SEC.

Communicating to your employees, associates, clients and the like is critical to achieve your desired vision.  People need to know what is your vision and how you plan to achieve it, who is required and what is “my” role.  Communicating progress honestly (good or bad) is paramount.  This will gain you faith and loyalty from all involved, paving the way for growth and fulfillment in achieving your goals.


Alignment and Communicating with excellence brings your teams and your clients together, producing a highly motivated and productive environment. Benefits include:

  • Streamlined and cost effective environment
  • Motivated workers produce high productivity
  • Reduced turnover, churn and rework
  • Repeat clients with relationship excellence
  • Reduced Transactional Waste, higher profits and enhanced growth
  • Personal and team satisfaction

Collaborate - Align - Communicate to Develop Pride

We will work with you to ensure that all involved are on board with your vision and process to achieve it. Together, we will make everyone comfortable with having input into your success, thus developing a pride of ownership which forms a culture driving collective success.

How it works


Strategic Executive will devote the horsepower to ensure that your team(s) are aligned, thus creating high visibility and consistent motives to achieve your success. Some examples include:

  • Your mission and vision
  • The performance measurements to achieve your vision
  • Progress vs. the established measurements
  • Employee satisfaction
  • Employee growth programs
  • Community recognition
  • Client goals and direction


Strategic Executive will provide apply methods to effectively:

  • Listen and Comprehend
  • Ask the right questions
  • Avoid under or over communicating
  • Ensure strategies and plans are communicated with full comprehension and retention
  • Reinforce your messaging over time
  • Communicate progress of the company / projects and their critical elements, thus sustaining employee engagement and morale
  • Client communication skills – what they really need from your company and your team in order to exceed expectations

Who’s involved

Strategic Executive will work with you and your team to develop the right alignment and communication strategies and tools. We will communicate and align with you in order to develop and implement a streamlined and effective program which will enhance your teams success.

Getting Started

Please contact Strategic Executive Consulting at your convenience and I'll be happy to engage in conversation with you so that we can see if we can help you achieve your goals. Our phone number is 401-430-9188 and our email is

Other Services

Construction Leadership

Strategic Executive will focus on the areas of your business which we agree need our attention and focus. We will leverage our 35 years of business experiences and passions and will focus on our agreed upon scope.

Employee Motivation through Communications

Employees are your most important asset! We have developed and enjoy implementing employee motivational programs for any size business and serving any industry.

Construction Advisor

SEC has over 35 years of construction leadership experience within a healthy array of industries. We leverage these experiences and tools to benefit you and your team's growth, profitability and life fulfillment.

Stakeholder Alignment including IPD++ with the Neighborhood Model

Strategic Executive will work with you to align your project and/or company goals and programs with your employees, management team and clients. IPD++ and Neighborhood contracting models will enhance that everyone will be heading in the same direction in a unified cause, thus reducing costs and schedule to complete.

Workforce Development & Labor Relations

Attracting, training, retaining and motivating skilled labor is impacting every project and our businesses every day. SEC has extensive experience attracting, retaining and motivating craft and professional personnel. Access to excellent foreign labor (via E-2) is also an offering of ours, which is a very beneficial tool.

Business Strategies, Processes and Procedures

Leading with optimum business strategies is critical for your success. Strategic Executive will work with you to develop or refine these strategies to align to your business “dreams” and “ideals”.

Productivity Enhancements

Delivery of your business growth is dependent on you and your team’s productivity. Performing with excellence when related to your competitors and your estimates is critical to rise above your competition and delight your customers.

Expert Witness Services

Focused on the Construction Industry, we have the respect of attorney's and companies we have provided expert witness services for and are humbly proud of our success rate.
